Force Elektro
Playing Ultimate
At Force Elektro, we have a lot of fun committees you can join. They form a great way to get to know and work together with fellow members and help out the club.
This committee organizes all the fun stuff outside of playing frisbee, you will organise many great activities such as pizza nights, pub quizzes, beer races you name it! The committee will also be in charge of the upcoming bar nights (read: parties). Think about coming up with themed bar nights and tapping those perfect beers for your fellow forcies.
External Affairs
EA has tasks ranging from arranging exchanges with other associations to attracting new members during OWEE and IP. This is an awesome challenge which Force has taken on very well, looking at the increasing member count in the past years. This committee is for you if you are good at organising and want to help Force move forward!
Force on Holiday
Who doesn't like a good holiday?! Force on Holiday is responsible for organising the club weekend and Ski trip. These events bring the whole club together for a trip filled with parties, good food, and various non-frisbee activities! If you'd like to help plan these holidays, this is where you can do it!
Make Force be the coolest looking team in the country, organise gear orders, and develop creative new merchandise. Great place for aspiring designers to develop and also develop your project management skills!
Happy engineering
Do you like over-engineering potentially useless stuff? Do you want to apply and learn more engineering skills in a not-so-serious environment? You’ve come to the right place. At happy engineering we’ll be working on crazy and vaguely useful contraptions that we may never end up finishing. It’s a good place to hone your electronics, programming, and mechanical design skills on projects such as a frisbee launching device, a beer pong timer, or an online chugging leaderboard. Oh and we have to make some wooden frisbee boxes too for “Disc on Campus”.
Promo & Content
Be the connection to the outside world! This committee takes care of our website, social media and other content we publish to promote our lovely club. If you are interested in designing posters, taking pictures and getting our name out, this is the place for you.
Sport clubs need money to function, most of that is paid by our members, but extra money is even better. The best thing about sponsored money, is that it’s free money!! If you want to help raise money for Force, talk with companies, other organizations or know someone who’d be interested in sponsoring Force, this committee is amazing!
Helping to commemorate Force memories, this committee will gather stories, pictures and other things to make a yearbook or anything that the committee comes up with: the options are endless. As the Press you also work together with committees like Promo & Content. If you are good at design, creative and like collecting memories, this committee will feel like home to you.
Rising High
Training is fun, but tournaments… that’s where the true experience begins: Winning against foreign teams, making new friends, hanging out next to the fields, watching others play and party into the early hours. In the Rising High committee, you get to create that experience! We build the stairs for winners to stand on, we choose the music people dance to and we create the memories of exciting, intense games. This committee has a lot of electrifying projects ahead: first and foremost to organise Rising High, our internationally known club tournament. Also smaller events need to be planned, supervised and advertised. So if you want to create memories, join and find out how and where you can let your talents shine!
Music Committee
What a nice way to be expressive in a chill environment. The music committee is the most recent addition to Force Elektro’s plethora of committees. Now it is possible to play and sing with some of your favourite forcies and even perform on FE events?! Join now and play some tunes with us!
Injury Prevention Task Force
Our sport is super fun, but everything can be a bit dangerous. Injuries are our main enemy, that is why the Injury Prevention Task Force (IPTF) is here for you! We collect data on current injuries after every season and store everyone's short summary on their journey on the way back to healthy and strong for more games! People that have acquired a recent injury can look into the database to contact people that have experienced similar injuries and might have advice. Also, the IPTF created an emergency sheet you can reference in case you find yourself in a situation where someone is (badly) injured and needs medical attention. The IPTF is here for you!
Social Media
Force Elektro is also active on social media. Make sure to check it out!